Thursday 17 September 2015


1-)You?re so easy to be with and so hard to be without.
Always missing you..
2-) A day spent away from you, is as good as a day not
worth being alive. I miss you girl.
3-) A fish without fins, a bird without wings. A crab
without claws, a cat without paws. Me without you, you
without me. I miss you.
4-) I wish I could wrap my arms around you and hug
you with all my might so that you can feel the loud
thumps of my lonely heart. I miss you.
5-)laughing together.
6-)Roses are red, violets are blue, I’m counting the days
until I can finally see you…
7-) Missing you is a habit, missing you is an addiction.
Missing you is a compulsion, missing you is
desperation. I miss you girl.
8-)the scariest thing about thinking about someone so
much is that you?ll never know whether they think
about you at all.
9-)I hope you forget me but ever time i missing you….
10-)You make me feel whole. When you?re not around, I
feel like a part of me is missing.
11-) When we are together, time just flies away like a jet
plane. But when we are apart, I can feel every ticking
second of the clock hammering a nail in my heart. I miss
you girl.
12-)It’s not easy to forget everything about you when
everything reminds me of you. Miss you
13-)Nothing feels better than a surprise text from that
person you miss. :p ?
14-) Nights have become sleepless and days have
become sleepy since you have gone away. I miss you.
15-) When I say that I need you, it actually means that I
need to kiss you, hug you and cuddle with you to wipe
all my sorrows away. I need you baby.
16-) No, I am not okay? I miss you.
17-) Someone to hug, someone to kiss, someone to talk
to, someone to caress. Someone to make me smile,
someone to make me laugh, someone to love, someone
to make me feel complete. YOU are the only person who
can fill the shoes of all these SOMEONEs. I miss you.
18-) I have been diagnosed with the deadly I Miss You
Syndrome due to which I suffer from a permanent and
irreversible disability of Missing You all the time. I miss
you sweetheart.
19-)Don?t be upset because you miss something from
your past, there is always a reason why it didn?t make it
into your future.
20-)Behind my smile is everything you?ll never
21-)Sometimes when I’m sitting here thinking about
you, I wonder if you’re also sitting there thinkingabout
22-)Randomly remembering good times and smiling like
and idiot?
23-)miss the little things the most,like just
24-)I still miss him, I miss him, I?m missing him.
25-)When I Miss you… I read Your old messages :’)
26-)I miss when we were close and told each other
27-)I miss how we used to talk every minute of every
day & how I was able to tell you everything that was on
my mind. I miss our conversations.
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28-)I am sitting here thinking of how much I enjoyed our
last moment together and how much I can?t wait until
the next. I love and miss you very much. Be home soon
29-)Have you ever wished that there was a fairy
godmother standing next to you right now, waving her
magic wand, and taking you to the person you miss the
30-)I miss the old days,the old you, the old us..
31-)I miss you, not the “I haven’t seen you in a while”
kind of miss you, but the “I wish you were here at this
very moment” kind of miss you.


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